welcome ~ !

hello ! my name is kazii and this is my carrd for my art account !
here's all if not most of the stuff regardin my art account n what its all about ! please be sure to read the byf and the dnis of this user, please n thank you !!

📂 - about me
🖌 - commissions/art info
❌ - byf + dni

the basics

my name is kazii
i also go be kaz and even kin names ! (whatever youd like, im fine with either !)
im a 17 year old person human being person that likes to draw most of the time
i go by they/them, i also go by cloud/clouds/bun/buns - but if you wanna use they/them instead then thats all good w me !!

art info

what will i post ?
ill be posting my ocs and art of them
as well as fanarts of the fandoms im in or requests i get from my friends or you guys !
art for others !
requests - open at all times, i dont mind gettin dms on my twitter or my discord (dm for disc), you guys are free to request anythin just please nothin bad !
art trades - this is mainly for mutuals or people i interact with frequently, though i can take art trades if asked in my dms ! i will try to reply asap !commissions - CLOSED !! though i plan on opennin em once i get a good following, maybe 100 or 200 depends n as well as get a bank account to store any money too

BYF (before you follow)

> please be patient with me since i do have my own life out side of the internet to deal with (school, family, etc.) with that bein said, ill try to post daily, if not then on most days> i have both adhd and social anxiety so please be patient with me when it comes to comments or requests n such ^^;>> please use tone indicators for me !! <<
its hard for me to understand certain terms n such, what if youre joking or not ? and yes i use tone indicators as well
> i also cuss quite a lot, if you dont like strong language then feel free to not follow for your own well bein if cussing does make you feel uneasy !

!! DNI !!

  • basic dni criteria

  • please NO NSFW accounts (dni/comment/follow !!!!)

  • if you support N/FTS

  • are pr0ship + p3d0 + z00

  • homophobic + zenophobic

  • post hate over my art or hcs, etc. (please keep it to urself, i dont wanna hear it/lh)